Hair Extensions after Chemo

By Richard Millstein, June 2017

Hair Extensions after chemo

Extend USA offers two-day training classes that teaches you how to safely extend your client's hair after Chemo or for Thining hair clients. Our system allows you to put in as few as ten hairs at a time in one extension. The bonding material is naturally derived from tree Bark and is weightless not causing any extra strain on your client's new hair.
They offer a special CHEMO certification after you have completed the two training and then pass their online test.

Chelsea is one of the clients using the Extend USA system after chemo therapy. with cancer in 2007 at the end of her 7th grade year. After being cancer free for 5 years it came back in 2014. This time Chelsea needed Chemo-therapy. In October 2015 she had won her second battle against cancer. At the end of this year Chelsea will graduate from IUP. She is grateful for her new hair.

Read more about Chelsea's story and how you can learn to do hair extensions after chemo at the Extend USA website at:

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